
Meet Jonathan & Madeline

A video message from Jonathan & Madeline

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A Letter from Jonathan & Madeline

Hello! We’re a fun-loving couple who love to travel to new places, explore our city, play board games with each other, spend time with our friends and family, and enjoy being outside.

We both come from big families and love kids. We’ve been happily married for over 6 years and are so excited to start our own family through adoption!


About Us

We are passionate and hard-working, yet fun and social. We’re down-to-earth and love spending time with people and hearing their stories.

We both work from home, so we spend a lot of time together and love it! And it allows us the flexibility to have Madeline be a full-time caretaker of our child while Jonathan can also spend significant time each day at home with them too.

We regularly eat meals together and love spending time making memories out in nature and at home with family and friends. Since we love the outdoors, we look forward to taking our child on walks to the nearby nature trails, playing with them in our yard, building forts, playing yard games, roasting marshmallows at our fire pit, and taking them camping. We’ve been building a collection of fun picture books to read with our child and can’t wait to include them in our family times of laughter and fun!

Meet My Wife, Madeline

Madeline cares so deeply for the people in her life. She’s loyal, passionate, and yet playful. She’s a fantastic baker, a gifted singer, a hard-to-beat board game player, an avid reader, and a passionate learner. She loves diverse cultures, which makes sense since she herself has a wonderfully blended family with 2 bi-racial siblings and 1 sibling from Mongolia, and her family spent many years living in the Middle East.

After 4 years of nannying and working at a law firm, she started her photography business! She’s also responsible and detail-minded, which helps in her other job as a financial bookkeeper.

Madeline is looking forward to discovering our child’s interests and creating fun opportunities and experiences related to those interests for him/her.

Meet My Husband, Jonathan

Jonathan is SUCH a people person. The kids in our cul-de-sac will run to our yard whenever they see him in the garden, offering to help. And I can see that he’s got natural dad instincts!

His goofiness is one of the things I enjoy most about him. But he’s also gifted with the ability to listen well to people who are angry or hurting. I think it’s that ability, combined with his genuine love for people, that makes him such a good pastor.

A jack of all trades, he does woodworking, plays the piano beautifully and sings, and is crazy about gardening. He’s an author, enjoys reading, is driven, smart, and a total romantic at heart. He cooks me incredible meals, and his favorite thing to do is to hike and be in the mountains- really anything outdoors.

Jonathan is excited about being a goofball with our child and a caring and compassionate dad to him/her.

Our Family

Adoption is already a part of our family makeup! 3 of Madeline’s 4 siblings are adopted. That’s part of the reason we knew from the beginning that we wanted to adopt!

Her parents live 10 minutes away from us and are thrilled to spend time with their very first grandchild! So are all of the aunts and uncles-to-be, many of whom live nearby as well.

Jonathan’s family lives a little further away in Pennsylvania, but we try to see them numerous times throughout the year. His parents are excited to welcome another grandchild, and the 6 cousins (all under the age of 8) can’t wait either!

Our Home in Virginia

Our cozy four-bedroom home is ready for our growing family! We already have the nursery room picked out! There’s plenty of space inside and a wooded yard outside for running and playing. We live at the end of a cul-de-sac where many families have young children.

We’re a short drive from our historic city’s downtown area, with numerous parks, pools, activity centers, and libraries to enjoy. We’re so grateful to live in a safe, diverse place with plenty of options for things to do as a family.

Our Promise

We promise to raise your child with Christian values and to be confident and kind. We will give him or her a lifetime of love and stability and will also provide a huge support system through our family, immediate and extended, as well as our church community and friends.

We promise to give your child the necessary tools for succeeding in life with an excellent and well-rounded education as well as opportunities to try all kinds of different sports, dance, art, outdoor activities, and more. We look forward to making wonderful memories together through family vacations, reading together, playing games, traveling overseas, and so much more!

And we promise to honor you, ensure that you are always spoken highly of and that your child’s story is celebrated. If you’re open to it, we’d love to send photos, write letters, and visit with you! We’d love to know you and hear more about your hopes for your child.

If you would like to learn more about us, please call or text Lifetime at 1.800.923.6784.

Learn More About Jonathan & Madeline

  Jonathan Madeline
Our EducationBachelors degree3 years of college
Our ProfessionsPastorPhotographer and bookkeeper
Our Racial BackgroundWhiteWhite
Some of Jonathan & Madeline's Favorites
Date activityPlaying cards by the river Going to a coffee shop and filling out Madlibs or taking walks downtown
Animated MovieThe IncrediblesHome
DessertCinnamon rollsIce cream
Worship Song"The Goodness of Jesus" by City Alight"Promises" by Maverick City
Thing about our cityThe amount of fantastic places to eat!How community-oriented it is.
GameSettlers of CatanDutch Blitz
More About Our Family
Our Faith

We believe that our main purpose in life is to glorify God and to enjoy Him, so that is the motivation for most everything we pursue in life! We want to value the things God values, so we highly value hospitality, community, kindness, different cultures, worshipping with our church family and other churches in our city, and unity.

Favorite Traditions

• Each Christmas, we fill our Christmas stockings with different food items we've never tried before from local international markets. It's always a tasty adventure!

• For Christmas Eve we go over to Madeline's parents' house for a family dinner where everybody cooks and brings their favorite dish. Delicious!

• We usually spend New Years Eve with Jonathan's family and after the clock strikes midnight, we put on party hats, grab blowers, pots and pans, and begin a march around their neighborhood with our friends. The neighbors have begun looking forward to it and coming out on their porches to join in the celebration!

• Every summer we go on a week-long vacation with Jonathan's parents, brothers and their wives and kids, and it's such a memorable, fun-filled experience we look forward to!


Madeline has:
• Worked as a swim instructor and at a photography studio
• Worked part time as a legal assistant doing paralegal and administrative work at a law firm for 4 years
• Nannied part time 2 of the sweetest kids for 4 years
• Started her own photography business 3 years ago that has been super successful and also does accounting work at home for several local businesses

Jonathan has:
• Started a lawn service as a young teenager
• Worked as a youth pastor for 7 years
• Is lead pastor of a nondenominational church for the past 7 years

We Prefer a Child Who Is...
Age of Child

Newborn to 2 years old





Sibling Group

Yes, with the oldest up to 2 years old

In Closing

We both have looked forward to starting our family through adoption and are excited to invest into our child with extravagant love. We can't wait to walk alongside our child, learning about their unique personality, and actively opening doors for them to pursue the things that bring him/her joy. And we would love to get to know YOU and have you play a special role in this child's life, through meeting up, exchanging letters/emails/pictures, whatever you're comfortable with. We'd LOVE to talk!

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