Lifetime Christian Adoption is hoping to find a family who is open to considering adopting a 6-year-old boy. We are working with a birth mother who is currently parenting 5 children on her own. The oldest 4 are pre-teens and teenagers but she is looking for a family for her youngest son. He is full African American and is attending school.
She reports that he has asthma and ADHD, but otherwise is healthy. She used no substances during pregnancy and all was normal. His father has never been in the picture.
Her son’s normal routine is pretty typical for a 6-year-old – he wakes up and has breakfast, goes to school, comes home to do homework and have dinner before bedtime. He enjoys going to the park.
Birth mother states that he needs one-on-one time with parents, and she just doesn’t have that to give with four older children and as a single working mom. This birth mother is open to families of any race and prefers a married couple, although would consider single moms with a strong family support system that includes a relative that is a solid father-figure. She would like photo and letter updates via mail.
The birth mother wants this adoption to happen quickly. We are unable to share more information due to confidentiality. You will need to have a current home study in order to adopt this boy. If you would like to step forward with this adoption situation, your first step is to fill out Lifetime Christian Adoption’s free online application.